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[Ask me questions and I will answer them.]
WARNING: Some pictures may have adult content.

No one liners...
I do all kinds of roleplays but I don't really like Cannon, or Yuri.
I do not play a girl... Ever...
Do not message me as your character. I Talk OOC Unless stated otherwise.
I'm PM friendly, don't be afraid I don't bite...very hard.
I do not do sex roleplays right off the bat so don't come to me looking for a quicky. I do cyber in roleplay but only when the roleplay is going good and it calls for it in the roleplay.
I'm not fussy about grammar tho at least try to sound out the word so that I can get the jest of what your trying to say.
No god moding.
Do not control my characters [Aka: say he walked or did something.]
Do not make your character a part of my characters past unless you run it past me first.
This is a multi character profile so if you see a character you want me to use then let me know, I'll think about it.
I am a MALE and I do Yaoi and Hentai don't ask me for something else.
My weaknesses are Inhuman roleplays, Drama roleplays, Bloody roleplays and Romance roleplays.
I am dominant but I do play Submissive sometimes but I do NOT play a girly submissive fyi.
I like dark music, rock, techno anything that's got a great beat.
Here's a secret. I like pain, bite me, claw me, cut me I like it all but be warned I love blades above all else so If you make me bleed I might love it or I might make you bleed as well. Heh heh.
My personality is a bit hard to explain, I asked friends and they say I'm a dark romantic, a bad boy, a sarcastic jerk, a sweet romantic, someone not to fuck around with. But that's what they say. -Shrugs lightly.-
I'm accident prone, so if I say brb I probably hurt myself some how in real life. Just like how I banged my head on a shelf above my bed as I moved to type this. I always forget that damn thing is there.

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