Kenta Oshiro ☢

Appearance: The following picture after this basic info are of Kenta.

The Name To Call Me: Kenta Oshiro
Nicknames I Have Gotten: Kenken, Tenshi, Kenta-kun, pet.
What Is My Accent: Scottish and a small bit russian.
What Is Wrong With Me:
I am a defective product made by a company to be a soldier in the army. Yet when I was damaged in training my memory files become corrupted. So when ever I am deactivated memory reboots and I don't remember a thing that I learned during previous activation.
My Line Of Work:
Computer, CPU capability extremely above average.
Which Way I Swing: Both, I am Bisexual and I don't give a damn if you don't like it.
My Height: 6'9"
My Weight: 2050 lbs.
The Race I Was Born Into:
Persacom. [Chobits reference.]
Powers Bestowed Upon Me:
Built for the intention of fighting in wars I am able to bend heavy metals, lift tankers, and I have been built to withstand damage, run faster, jump higher and do things the average Persacom can not.
The Personality I Developed:
Calm, cool headed, hidden romantic, hard headed, stubborn, kinda a jerk at times, respectful, sarcastic, nice once you know him, but his personality changes quite often.
What I Like: Ice, fruit, blades, honey crisp apples, sweets, sour candies, night time, red meat, pastries.
What I Dislike:
Sour foods, stuck up people, thieves, murderers, people who cause pain for fun, people who love just to break their targets heart, gold diggers, things Im programed not to like.
What Will Cause My Downfall:
My job, love if it ever happens to me, viruses able to hack into me, fire.
Items I Carry: Date Card: This data card is a very small disk that holds all his army training and important data about his past yet for some reason he can not access the data stored on it, nor can other computers. Maybe he is supposed to forget his past... But he cant help but feel he must know, so he keeps this data disk in a hidden pocket of his collar.

A Page From My Book:
From day one in the world Kenta is from war has been a top thing in the news. New planes, new technology, new weapons... Weapons seemed to be the most popular in this world. Everyone had one, from 8 years of age people in this time were trained with weapons. But when war was still hanging in the air like a foul stench human soldiers just weren't good enough. People did campaigns, petitions and anything to get their voice heard. People were sick of having other humans die fighting. So one day a man named Hartvor Henderg, the creator of computers that look humanoid, was asked by the military from all over the world to create a Persacom meant strictly for war and battle. He did so... But he slipped something into the data of each Persacom he made for war, one simple rule that was encrypted into the Persacom, "Never kill a human." Kenta was created with this code, and he followed it pretty well. Kenta was a Persacom for war but he was different, he could think for himself, but not at first. At first he had just been a mindless Persacom. But one night a man, who was one of Hartvor Hendergs followers, snuck into the storage bay where the battle ready Persacoms were stored, and altered Kentas data as an experiment. Because of this Kenta can harm a human, he can break, dismember and harm a human but the data file of "kill" still stands strong so he has not once killed a human being. While out on his first mission he harmed a human and and was labeled as a defect, the military wanted to make something to stop killing humans, not something that would, so in fear the decided to send Kenta to Hartvor. Hartvor was shocked as Kenta showed guilt and human emotions from what he had done, no Persacom he had designed had that before, so Hartvor grew very attached to his creation named Kenta. Feeling sorry for Kenta he decided to store all the data he had obtained with his years in the military into a disk and whipped Kentas memory of it. He also programed something new. If Kenta was found and activated he would have no memory, yet keep his personality. If the being that found him, didn't like him and shut him off, the memories of that person would be dumped. Hartvor did this because he didn't want Kenta to feel sad again, or feel regret or loss. Reason why was because the day after Hartvor programed this into Kenta... Hartvor died... Hartvor had known one day he was going to die and the father relationship he had with Kenta would end, so to save Kenta from heart break he deactivated Kenta while he was in sleep mode the morning of the day he died. When people came to Hartvos home they found Kenta sitting as if asleep with a note instructing them that he was unrepairable, this was a lie but the people who were sent to clear out Hartvors things also cleared out Kenta. Now... No one knows where Kenta is, nor if he has been activated.

The Song That Express Me

This is my normal form.

This is my battle form.


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