Kaizen Kenzashi ☪

Appearance: The following pictures after this basic info are of Kaizen. Kaizen looks like the man with black hair but when Ryukai takes over his mind he looks like the man with red hair.

The Name To Call Me: Kaizen Kenzashi / Ryukai Hindrance
Nicknames I Have Gotten:
Kaizen: Kai-kun, Kaizen-sama, Zashi-San, Friend, Father.
Ryukai: Ryu-sama, Demon, Murderer, Crazed, Maniac.

What Is My Accent:
Kaizen: Scottish and a small bit russian.
Ryukai: Heavy russian.

What Is Wrong With Me: From birth I have been called Kaizen, but my body houses two souls. My own soul and the soul of my twin brother Ryukai. At birth I was born healthy while Ryukai died next to me, that is when he entered my body and thus we began to share.
My Line Of Work: Overseer. I am sent to one world at a time to exa mine the species there and make a conclusion deciding on if I want to watch over that world and fix the balance of it.
Which Way I Swing: Both, I am Bisexual and I don't give a damn if you don't like it.
My Height: 6'9"
My Weight: 210 lbs.
The Race I Was Born Into: Demon/Elf Hybrid.
Powers Bestowed Upon Me: I can slow time down a small amount so that I can correct or stop something. I can make the weight of an object heavier or lighter by will and I can cause the gravity of a small area, or the entire planet, to strengthen or weaken. I can also tellaport from one place to another using the device on my arm which is called a Heavens Hand. I can cure diseases, give diseases, take life and give life. Tho these abilities are limited since I must be permitted by the creature I am going to preform my task on. All other powers you may see me display all come from my Heavens Hand. My physical powers that I wield alone without the Heavens Hand is black and black fire, My twin wields Crimson and black fire. My claws are strong and sharp enough to cut adamantium and I am able to bite through diamond.
The Personality I Developed:
Kaizen: Calm, cool headed, hidden romantic, hard headed, stubborn, kinda a jerk at times, respectful while still being a jackass, sarcastic, nice once you know him.
Ryukai: Cruel, sinister, twisted, mischievous, malicious, blood thirsty, crazed, insane, temperamental, mentally unstable, sarcastic.

What I Like:
Kaizen: Balance, blues, water, ice, fruit, blades, green apples, sweets, sour candies, night time.
Ryukai: Blood, screams, broken bones, pain, excitement, torture, fights, a strong opponent, challenges, flesh, and as for food he likes strawberries and crimson fruits.

What I Dislike:
Kaizen: People like my other personality, Ryukai himself, over powering scents, imbalance.
Ryukai: People like my other personality, silver, love, other peoples love, other peoples happiness, other peoples joy.

What Will Cause My Downfall:
Kaizen: My other personality, my line of work.
Ryukai: My other personality, another Overseer, if I ever care for someone they might manage to kill me.

Items I Carry:
Heavens Hand: A device in which I gain my demi god powers to do my job.
Lights Orb: A glass like orb that can defuse, unlock, inactivate and break down the atom structure of just about anything except the Heavens hand.
Dimension Blade: A katana sheathed in a metal sheath with black and sky blue colors, its blade looks like black glass with stars within it. This blade can cut open the air and create a passage way between dimensions.
Voice Of Calamity: This is a small black box and if it is open, anyone that is not an Overseer, will get sharp pains in their ears and will go deaf temporarily.

A Page From My Book: To understand me we must start from the very beginning. At birth I was born with a twin in the Overseers Dimension. Twins in our dimension usually mean a bad sign for the childrens' future. And how right they were. For my twin Ryukai died at one day old, but his soul joined my body and I got immeasurable power. As a child I has sent to study at the Overseers Academy where I passed the classes with flying color. Yet, there came the day when Ryukai got loose. He managed to kill five Overseers, destroy half the academy and cause damage to the dimension its self. Because of my weakness at holding my brother under control I was forced to seal him within me, so now the only way I can keep him under control is to drink the blood of the living and eat their flesh. I managed to keep what I have to do a secret from the Overseer Lord and because of my good lying ability I was able to become an Overseer. So now I am on my way to my first job, lets hope that Ryukai doesn't surface again.
Songs That Express Me


Songs That Express Kaizen 

 Songs That Express Ryukai


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