Vedrin Arctric ☾

Appearance: The following picture after this basic info are of Vedrin.

The Name To Call Me: Vedrin Arctric
Nicknames I Have Gotten: Veddy, Rin-kun, Vedrin-sama, Guardian.
What Is My Accent: Scottish and a small bit russian.
What Is Wrong With Me:
I am a white panther born in a society of black mountain panthers. I'm told it happens only ever seven hundred years and its a gift but that doesnt change the fact that my tribe still treats me differently... I also have a heart condition that causes me to cough blood because it stops at random times, one day it might kill me.
My Line Of Work:
I am a Arctzon, an Arctzon in my tribe is a being that has magical powers over one element. Mine being ice. My main role is to guard a relic called the Aisu Unda.
Which Way I Swing: Both, I am Bisexual and I don't give a damn if you don't like it.
My Height: 6'9"
My Weight: 210 lbs.
The Race I Was Born Into:
Panther Anthro
Powers Bestowed Upon Me:
The power to control water, ice, wind and blue fire. I also have more stamina, strength, agility and speed then others in my tribe.
The Personality I Developed:
Calm, cool headed, hidden romantic, hard headed, stubborn, kinda a jerk at times, respectful while still being a jackass, sarcastic, nice once you know him, but his personality changes quite often.
What I Like: Ice, fruit, blades, green apples, sweets, sour candies, night time, red meat, blood, pastries and a rare fruit called a Hapashi it a small berry.
What I Dislike:
Sour foods, stuck up people, thieves, murderers, people who cause pain for fun, people who love just to break their targets heart, gold diggers.
What Will Cause My Downfall:
My job, love if it ever happens to me, silver weapons and my heart condition.
Items I Carry: Aisu Unda: This is a glass looking orb which is actually the egg to an ice dragon. The last of its kind. He is to protect it till it hatches in 700 years, many would want to steal this egg and eat the frost cold content within the egg to gain immeasurable power, some would rather steal it and sell it for a ton of money or what ever currency they wont to the highest bidder. But To Vedrin this egg is a helpless god that he is sworn to protect at the cost of his life. The Aisu Unda

A Page From My Book:
At the beginning I was born as a white cub in my tribe, Rushing Water, high in the valleys of the mountains of the arctic tundra. In my tribe there is a story passed down from generation to generation about a white panther anthro named Verithro Vedrin. He single handedly destroyed a tribe of dragons in the mountains that raged war on my people hundreds of years ago. He was considered a god because he could control the arctic elements and summon creatures to his aid. It has been said that every 700 years another white panther is born in my tribe at the same time that the Ice Dragons of Lerior die and revert back to their eggs. My tribe has been given the privilege to be guardians of the Ice Dragons Aisu Unda till they hatch again and spread 300 years of winter to the world again. The day I was born my mother died during the birthing and my father blamed me for her death, I don't hold it against him. At the time I turned 20 I had finished my training as a Arctzon Guardian and was given the job to protect the Aisu Unda till I reach death. As I protected the Aisu Unda in my village I noticed how people treated me with hate and how some would deliberately try to steal from me, so doing my job I left my village and set out for new worlds.

The Song That Express Me

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